Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We made our yearly visit to Santa in Delta. It is always so fun! I think this is the first year that Jace didn't cry! Jace was really upset while standing in line this year. He is very worried that he isn't going to get what he is asking for. He REALLY REALLY wants his own Mountain Dew for Christmas and a piece of coal. Yes...coal. So, when your son asks for coal for Christmas...what do you threaten him with?
Dreyton was excited to ask for a Nintendo Dsi...but goofed up and asked for the Ds instead. He wanted to cry afterwards. Good thing we can write Santa letters to clear things up.
Ky with Santa.
My sweet baby.

Who's picture is this anyway?

So, I was trying to take a picture of just me and Kyson....it didn't really work out that way though.
It started out with just us two...
Then Jace decided to pop in...
Then Dreyton and Cameron (I call him my 4th son, he is here so much he is part of the family) had to come and join in....

And then I got pushed out.

Kysons Baby Blessing

We had such a great time and Kyson's baby blessing. It was so fun to have family around! We are so lucky to have such great supportive families! I love them!
Me and the sistas
Camille and Brooklyn
Ky and Bethany (Melanies baby who is only 5 weeks older)
Me and mi madre
There's my pops!
(and some weird person poking her head into the picture in the background)

Beautiful Brooklyn with baby Ky
Kyle and Shannon

Camille and Ky
What a sweet little baby
Jaces preschool Halloween party. He's the football player.


I am so far behind in blogging. Life is a little overwhelming and busy with a newborn. Who knows, I might even cancel this blog all together. Till then, here is a couple pictures of Halloween.
This guy is awesome! He has on 3 feet tall stilts and is so creepy looking. The whole neighborhood loves it!
My little vampire.

Freaky eyed mummy

My cute little boys

Carving pumpkins...yes, my boys got my weak stomache and we use gloves to carve pumpkins.
And Jace is wearing his every day black marks under his eyes, he thinks he is a real football player.