Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ready for the Weekend!!

I am soooo ready for this weekend. I know, I know, we just barely had a weekend, but for some reason the past three days have been especially draining. It started on Sunday with my primary class. I have a class of 10 kids, and 8 of them are WILD boys. They are all 5 and 6 years old. Usually they are great, but I don't know what got into all of them on Sunday. We had two extra boys in class that are twins, and the two of them make my wildest boy (the one that threatens Dustin with punching him in the nuts orthe face and barking when we talk to him) look like an angel. I came home from church frazzled and ready to call the bishop and tell him I quit the church if I have to go back again next week. Monday and today haven't been much better. The boys are extra obnoxious and fighting more than ever. I think the only time of day they don't fight is the hour that Dreyton is in swimming lessons, and that is because they aren't within arms reach of each other, but Jace sits on the side of the pool throwing threatening punches in Dreytons direction. I feel like I am growing a perma-scowl on my face because I am so frustrated and yelling all day long. Then Dreyton has been throwing these tantrums this week every time he gets told no. He screams his head off, and for any of you who have heard his scream, you know my pain! It is soooo loud and ear-piercing, like a dog whistle! AAAHHH!!
I think we are all ready for a weekend get-away. Dustin will be around Thursday and most of Wednsday to help referee, so that will be nice. I love having him work for the goverment, they love to have any excuse not to go to work. And since Thursday is the day BEFORE a holiday, they get it off. Nice!
Something exciting happened here over the week though. Jace actually wore something other than his "Murry Shoes"!! For him, that is a HUGE accomplishment! He is now open to wearing his "Anthony Shoes" (blue shoes). They look so much better than the pink ones. He is growing too fast and learing so many new things. I don't know where he picks up most of the stuff. The other day when I opened a door for him he said "Thank you young man."
Well, anyway, I am so excited to go to Delta this weekend and celebrate the 4th of July, hang out with family,see old friends, eat non-stop, play on the Bonzai slide, and just relax. This is the one time a year that both me and Dustin look forward to going to Delta. I love the parade and everything that goes on at the park. I also can't wait to get my hair colored! Thanks Cass!!
Anyway, Tooele is great, but it sure will be nice to get away for a weekend.


Susanna said...

I forget that boys like to threaten being punched in the nuts! I can't wait until I get to hear that kind of stuff:) I'm sorry that you have to deal with that every Sunday. It's hard to remember when going to church was actually peaceful (before kids).
I wish we could come home for the 4th too. That always has been Delta's day to shine. We will miss you guys and all the fun and good food. Make sure you take lots of pics! Love ya!

Larsen Lowdown said...

I'm kind of bummed Jace won't be wearing his "Murry" crocs anymore. I was going to buy some cute little flower pins to put in them for the next time we saw you guys! Bummer! Love, Dawn

Jason and Nikki said...

Hi Rob, It's been too long. I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. I love it! I just started my own. I have no clue what the crap I am doing. I still can't figure out how to make my blog cute but, I will keep trying. Your boys are so cute. I can't believe how big they are. I love the story of Jace's Murray shoes. I think they are pretty. Lots of Love, Nikki