Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Drey's Tonsils

Here are a couple of shots of Dreyton before and after he got his tonsils out. I was sooo proud of him! He was sooo brave, and such a trooper for having no food the entire day.

Before Surgery:
(he thought the comfy hospital clothes were awesome)
(I hate looking at this picture, it is so sad)

Here is a pic of his nasty tonsils. He promised the Doc he would be good if the doc would save his tonsils for him to see afterwards. We were told to take a picture of it cuz Dreyton probably wouldn't remember seeing them. The Doctor said his tonsils and adnoids were the size of an adult mans. No wonder he couldnt' ever breathe!

1 comment:

Susanna said...

So sad!! I hate the way they look after surgery! Happy Birthday Dreyton!! Lucky number 7 :)