Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm so bad at Blogging!

Ok, so I really need to be better at blogging. It has been such a fun summer and we were able to do tons of fun things! I feel like soooo much has happened, I just need to be better about posting pictures and blogging about it I guess.
The most recent exciting news has to do with Jace.....he is FINALLY potty trained.
I know, I know, you are all thinking "Its about dang time". Well, I am thinking the same thing!!!! It has been a LOOOOONG hard struggle, but it is official! No more paying for the dang diapers!! The only thing about having him go potty in the toilet is that we have to hold a garbage can in front of his face each time he pees. He must have my gag reflex, cuz he dry heaves each time he smells his pee in the toilet. Kind of a weird thing to post about, but i am soooo excited about it! I was starting to think that he'd still be in diapers when kindergarten rolls around.

Another new thing happeneing around here, is that Dreyton started Kindergarten. He was soooo excited to go, but after only going for a couple of weeks, he is already bored out of his mind! He has been reading books on his own for the past year, so everything they teach in Kindergarten "is for babies" (as he puts it). The best part of his day is recess, when he gets to go play football. We have him in flag football right now, which he LOVES. He counts down the minutes to every practice. He just wishes it was tackle instead of flag. Oh, I guess he did learn one new thing from school. He came to me the other day and said "Mom, did you know that if you accidentally fall down under a girls skirt, then you can see her underwear?". Yah, I wasn't to excited about that one. Yikes!

Well, guess that will have to be the end of my blog for now. I'll try to update more often and with lots of pictures.


Susanna said...

Oh no! I can't believe that some boys are already teaching other boys about stuff like that in Kindergarten! Yikes, where do kids that young learn stuff like that?? I bet you were shocked! Hooray for no more diapers! What a funny kid:) Dreyton looks so handsome on his first day, Kenny starts tomorrow...

Stacy said...

Your posts crack me up!
Your kids are the cutest! Congrats on no more diapers. I'm glad to only have one in diapers!

I need to be better at blogging too. I still haven't blogged our first day of school.