Thursday, March 24, 2011

Picture Catch-up OVERLOAD

I finally decided to update the blog with pictures. They are all in the opposite order of what I wanted them to be...but oh well....I have know clue how to change it. So, anyway, here is what we have been up to:

This is the before pic of the bench I made:

Here is the after:
Took the fam to a Grizzlies game. Stayed in a hotel that night and the boys swam all night and morning. So fun!
The cutest boys in the world!

Ky got super super sick with influenza. Poor little guy. Thankfully he recovered after a couple of weeks. He passed it on to me and I am still recovering from it....and its been over a month.

I had a birthday. Number 27...again. Yes, Jace hit me over the head with the present as hard as he could. Yowzers!!!
Ky has learned how to fly.

Jace gave himself a sweet haircut. He said the bangs were in his eyes...not anymore.
Ky has only seen the dog through the window. This is a shot of the first time I opened the door.

For Valentines day I love to do different things for the kids to show them I love them. This year, while they were sleeping I hung about 100 hearts from their ceiling with sayings on them. Then there was a path of hearts leading to a surprise. They looooved it.

Jace is soooo smart and loves reading books to Kyson.

We got a visit from Jaren and looooved having him here.

Dust had a birthday.

Me and Dust had a weekend in Park City. I didn't take any pictures while we were there, but we were stopped on the way home for about 2 hours while a wide load came by. So, we took tons of pictures while we were waiting.

Asa celebrated her 1st birthday.

My cute sis at the party.

The New Years party.

Hanging with the Rowley boy cousins.

Christmas 2010
Jace snuck under the tree and added his name onto every present
Only the best snowman ever. And maybe the smallest.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

On My Mind

I know I should update with pictures...but today I am just writing a few things that are on my mind instead.
-Today was such a good day. I had Sharing time at church and it went so great. Dustin is out of town for a bit so I was worried about having to do sharing time and have a sceaming baby and doing the whole church thing by myself. I rely alot of Dustins help at church. But it ended up being so good. I had 3 friends come and take Kyson from me so I didn't have to worry about him the whole time and sharing time was so much fun! I loove loooove love being in Primary. The kids are so awesome.
--I want to know what is up with the bald greeter lady at walmart. Why does she greet everyone except for me? In the 5 years I have lived here I have not once got a "Welcome to Walmart" or a "Have a nice day." She'll greet everyone around me but not me. Weird. Very weird.
--I have two favorite times of the day. The first one is in the morning when I am eating breakfast with my sweet little angel boys that could do no wrong. I love listening to them talk and laughing with them. The second favorite time of day is nightime..when I am putting my monsters to bed and I am done listening to whining, crying, tattleing and teasing. aaaahhhhh....the sweet sound of silence.
--Why do people (and when I say 'people' I am meaning all the boys that live in my house) think that throwing clothes on the floor is as good as putting them in the dirty clothes hamper?! Do I enjoy scouring the house on wash day looking for dirty clothes? No...I don't. Especially when I find little boy socks on the fan in their room or underwear tucked in corners or 4 pairs of shorts on the opposite side of the bed that I sleep on (I'm not naming names on this one ok Dustin).
--I am liking my new haircut.
---I like the Dustin doesn't get mad at me very often for being such a HUGE backseat driver. Maybe he thinks that I am such a good driver that he enjoys learning from the best. :)
--I love love my family get togethers. We have so much fun and I am so sad that my sister is moving across the country and that my parents are leaving on a mission. They are always so willing to drop everything and watch our boys for us, and then spoil them rotten when they see them. My dad is full of funny songs that the boys LOVE to learn, he wrestles with them, he hikes with them, chases them around pretending he is strange Uncle George,and gives them way too much sugar. My mom always plans activities for them so they are never bored, she never spends money on herself but will spoil the kids with everything, she knows the likes and dislikes of each grandkid and plans activies around that, and the best thing is that she sits and will just talk and listen to them. She makes them feel like everything they say is so important. What am I going to without them for a year and a half? And it totally sucks that Becky is moving. I love having her so close so it will be weird not knowing when I will see her again.
---I love the new bark collar we got for the dog. :)
---I wonder where we will be in 5 years. Dustin wants to move out of country. I use to think that sounded like a great adventure, but now I am feeling old and like the feeling of being settled somewhere for my kids' sake. I guess I wouldn't mind trying it out for a few years though.
---What in the world did I do to deserve Dustin. He is such an amazing person!

Well, guess that should be enough rambling. I have some pet peeves I'd like to add to that list, but we'll leave those for next time.