Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I can't update my blog without mentioning our newest family member, Mitzy. It used to be my sisters dog, but we adopted her into the family in Febuary. At first I wasn't too excited, but she has been awesome. The boys love her so much! And she is growing on Dustin. He won't admit that he likes her, but I can tell he secretly does. :) She is the best dog ever, and soooo patient with the boys!
I found the boys outside coloring her fur with sidewalk chalk, and she jsut sat there and loved it.

Jace makes her wear hats, sunglasses, shoes, whatever he can find.
I love this, it shows how much Jace just looooved her.

I caught this picture through our window. Jace is always hugging her and laying on her.

....and covering her in grass.


Susanna said...

I love all your updates!! It's so fun to see your boys! I love the pics of the boys and Mitzy, as much as I'm not a pet person, it kind of makes me want a dog. Oh, and I LOVE Jace's snuggie, that's so funny! Love ya!

Susanna said...

I am preaty jellous about the dog I want to get my kiddos one so bad!! love you guys----Jaren

Becky said...

Im so glad you are updating your blog! I stole a couple of your pics for my own. I don't carry my camera with me these days because I don't have enough hands with 3 kids!