Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proud Mama

Have you ever been embarassed of your kid, but proud of them at the same time? Well, that is how I felt tonight. We were at Dustins ball game and Dreyton saw a guy smoking and another guy drinking a beer. He was pretty disgusted by it, and came up to me and told me all about it then asked "Should I go and tell them they are gross?" I told him no, but instead of listening to me, my ultra shy anti-social kid went up to these strange men and said (very loud) "Beer and cigarettes are really bad for you and really gross. You shouldn't be doing that. It's not healthy." Both men just stared at him for a minute until one said "Yah, I know kid." He then put his beer down by a garbage can and walked off to go and play ball. Well, Dreyton saw that, so he threw his ball at the beer can until it tipped over and emptied the can. He must have thought that was cool, because after that he kept trying to throw his baseball at the other beer cans to tip them over again. After each hit he'd quietly pump his arms and say "YES!".


Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

That is so great! I'm glad he had the guts to do that. I understand the proud/embarrassed feelings. Sorry I haven't commented on your great posts lately, I am a major slacker, but your kids are hilarious and I can't wait for the holiday's so that we may see you guys!

Susanna said...

Way to go Dreyton!

Larsen Lowdown said...

Way to go Dreyton!!! I am very proud of him! Mom