Sunday, October 5, 2008

Boring Post

Ok, so this is a going to be a boring post, so most of you ought to just skip it, but it was really exciting for me. So, I've been trying to do the whole coupon thing. My friend is really into coupons and saving money, so I thought I'd give it a try. Who doesn't like to save money , right?! Well, I saved up my coupons and got on to find out all the sales at the grocery stores. So, to make a boring story short, after spending over $130 on food, I added in all my coupons and it ended up costing me only $40!! I know I could have done better, but I think that is a great attempt at my first coupon shopping! So, for $40, I got 15 boxes of cereal, 5 containers of frosting, 4 cake mixes. 4 boxes of fruit snacks, 8 cans of cream of mushroom soup, 10 cans of tomato sauce, 6 cans of chicken noodle soup, and I can't remember what else. Anyway, it was really fun for me and now it is addicting. Most of the stuff I bought is going straight to food storage, but it is a great way to start your food stoarge if you don't have one. Ok, so this is all really boring to everyone, so I'll end this now. But, for those of you who know me, know how much I LOVE a good deal!

1 comment:

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

Saving money is always great. I really need to get into that. I may have to call you and get your expertise because you are a pro compared to me with the coupons. You could do a marathon if you wanted to. Just slowly build up to it and it really is mostly mental!