Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shopping with Dreyton

So, whenever I go shopping, I put both boys in the cart. Dreyton always entertains himself by singing, and it is always the SAME song, over and over and over..... He gets quite loud, but I never realized HOW loud until tonight. Dustin went shopping with me tonight and we split up, he took Dreyton in a cart and I took Jace. I sent Dustin with half my list to start on the opposite side of the store. About 10 minutes later, I hear him, my little boy singing his heart out. It was soooo loud. I would know that off tune voice and annoying song anywhere. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a better song he was singing, but my boy picks out the most annoying tunes of all..."I'M A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH! YOU'RE A GOOFY GOBBER YEAH! I'M A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH! YOU'RE A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH!......" I went to look for him and Dustin and they were SIX isles away! I was laughing my head off, especially when Dustin said "I don't know how you do this. People won't stop staring!"


Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

My boy does the same thing and it isn't Connor! Just kidding but if Josh is in a good mood and we go shopping he constantly tries to embarrass me by saying things like he doesn't even know me or "Are you pregnant and are you sure it's mine this time?" I could kill him sometimes. At least you know where Dreyton is at all times.

Susanna said...

I can always locate Shane in a store too, but not because he's singing. He's always screaming and throwing a tantrum. I've learned to do my shopping very quickly and I always keep a treat or two in my purse! Dreyton is so funny.

Talia said...

Is it bad that I know that song too, and my kids don't watch Sponge Bob. yeah i'm still a nerd. I'm glad im not the only one who's kids act like that in public. i would laugh if i heard him at a store, and start singing too. p.s a kindle is an electronic book from amazon, you just download any book and read it from there. it is awesome. it was kinda pricey but i think it was a pity present cause he went to switzerland. without me.