Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok, so I just saw Twilight tonight. I was really worried about seeing it becuase I didn't want it to ruin the book for me. I just wanted to say that I liked it better than I thought I would. Edward didn't annoy me as much as I thought he would. But C'mon! Jasper and Carlisle were nothing like what they should have been! Jasper looked more like Edward Scissorhands! Just thought I'd express my opinion.


Susanna said...

I completely agree about Jasper. Rosalee was pretty disapointing too. But I guess after the way the book described them, who could actually do them justice? I can't decide if I liked the movie or not, I kind of want to read the book again now to remember all the good parts that they left out. One thing I liked better about the movie was Bella's character, she didn't bug me as bad as she did in the book.
Anyways, hope you guys have a Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving!
Dreyton is so funny, I love reading about all the quirky things he says. Keep them coming:)

Larsen Lowdown said...

Haha-I totally agree. Jasper really did look funny and Carlisle too. lol--alexa

Gentry said...

Yeah I went into the movie with low expectations and I ended up loving the movie. I want to go see it again. I think that Carisle should have looked older, but I loved the movie and I was just sad that they had to leave out all the good stuff out. I also agree with Suz about how Bella didn't bug me as bad as I thought she would.

Talia said...

That is so funny that is exactly what my mom said about Jasper. I thought the only Cullen that looked like she should was Alice. Edward didn't bug my by the end of the movie but he still should have been hotter.

Becky said...

I left the movie sick. I don't handle all the spinning of the camera very well...blah!